The Other Evening In Chicago, Waterbug WBG66,  contains most of the songs that people tend to request of Bob at shows, as well as 5 previously unrecorded songs and one older song, "My Favorite Women", that is making its digital debut. There are 18 songs on the CD as well as many of their associated stories. It's a full 74+ minutes of music and stories.

Recorded by Rich Warren and Eric Arunas at WFMT studios, Chicago. Color graphics by Mel Green, photos by Ann Sherman, and liner notes by Bob.


1.   Introduction-- Rich Warren 0:21
2.   Kitchen Boy 3:58
3.   William the Streak 3:48
4.   Alleluia, the Great Storm Is Over 3:17
5.   Inter-Species Communication 0:37
6.   Catfish 3:33
7.   Hard Love 4:40
8.   Whose Potato Masher? 0:50
9.   My Lover's T-Shirts 3:07
10. One Evening In Chicago... 1:00
11. My Favorite Women 2:47
12. The Third or Fourth Love Song... 0:33
13. Love Bravely, Elizabeth 3:48
14. My Father's Wound 2:20
15. For Real 4:55
16. A Healing In This Night 5:02
17. In Memoriam: Freyda Epstein 1:05
18. Collateral Damage 3:01
19. Source 3:19
20. In Lieu of Chili 1:12
21. Thanksgiving Eve 3:57
22. Thanks, Mom! 1:15
23. Acid Polka 3:02
24. A Certain Amount of Loss 0:52
25. Day of the Dead 3:44
26. Hypnagogic States 1:54
27. Sleeping Hearts 3:01
28. A Still, Small Voice 4:01